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- Date: Sat, 22 Oct 94 15:36:57 PDT
- From: The Info-Mac Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #139
- To: info-mac-list
- Info-Mac Digest Sat, 22 Oct 94 Volume 12 : Issue 139
- Today's Topics:
- [!] Commercial announcements
- [*] AnimanBaloney; some sounds
- [*] Blue box trash replacement icon
- [*] Brailler 0.4B; a Braille text editor
- [*] Bread & Butter; a presentation about Internet services
- [*] Cerebella Icon and Cartoon
- [*] CheckGestaltFor XCMD
- [*] COPYrightPro 1.0.3 Demo; a file copying utility
- [*] dal_physics; a collection of small educational programs
- [*] DX7 Librarian 1.1.2; a MIDI utility
- [*] Finger 1.5.0; a TCP/IP finger client
- [*] Icon Extractor 1.2; extract individual icons from resources
- [*] JSoban 1.0b11; a Sokoban game variation
- [*] Kant Generator Pro 0.5.1 beta; a philosopher simulator
- [*] Kitty Litter Trash Icon
- [*] Mac Net Journal; October 15, 1994 issue
- [*] MacSki color file; colors for the game
- [*] MailConverter 1.6.6; converts between mailbox formats
- [*] Maven update (2.0d23); an audio conferencing package
- [*] MenuSlide 1.1; some menubar switching code in Pascal
- [*] MHZA2144; an ARA script for the Megahertz PCMCIA modem
- [*] MikePack Documentation; for 4D externals
- [*] Natural Born Killers; sounds from the movie
- [*] NewsWatcher 2.0b16, a Usenet client
- [*] nShell(tm) "inc" and "dec" commands
- [*] PoDMap; a map of the mines region
- [*] PortShare Pro 2.2 Demo; share your serial ports
- [*] QuickConverter 1.5; converts from Quicken data to tab delimited
- [*] Robert's File Transfer 1.00; a UUCp utility
- [*] ShortFinder 1.5b2; a Finder substitute
- [*] Sokoban 1.2 (a game)
- [*] Some icons; 2 trash and one hard drive
- [*] SoundHandle-101; a sound player
- [*] Sound Siphon 1.1; converts 'snd ' resources to Sys7 sound files
- [*] Tangram 3.14-updated version; a game
- [*] Type Fixer 1.0; Drag & Drop Automatic File Retyper
- [*] Vim 3.0; a Mac version of the UNIX vi editor
- [*] WebStat 2.3.4; analyzes MacHTTP log files
- [*] WhoAmI? 0.9; restores resources that identify Mac models
- [*] X-Master 2.0 for Newton
- [*] ZTerm 1.0b3 - PUBLIC BETA; a terminal emulator
- 1994 World Factbook (Q)
- [Q] Accurate Time Sources
- [Q] Archive Python
- [Q] location of "sad mac sounds"
- [Q] MEDLINE and EndNote or Pro-Cite
- [Q] search help!
- Answering machine...
- ARA CCL files for ViVa 14.4 modem?
- Atari emulator ?
- Audio CD files
- ClarisWorks 2.1v4 System 7.5 Problems
- Color on Power Macs
- data download bottleneck
- Easter egg in PPC upgraded Quadra 700
- ethertalk start up
- Eudora ddoesn't receive correctly info-mac (help!)
- GeoPort from 9600 to 14400?
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #136
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #137
- Info-Mac Digest V12 #138
- installing LW.8.1.1
- Internet for kids
- INTERNET Searching (the Mac Way)
- Keyboards flaking out (R)
- Link error with MPW 3.2.3 and LS Fortran 2.1
- look for a font (A,C)
- Low-cost color printer summary
- Mac HTTP Clients and File Name Length
- Macintosh Client/Server Database Development Summary
- Mac Net Journal
- Map software to plot demographics?
- Mariner 2.16
- Modems with voice capability
- Modems with voice capability (R)
- Mosaic 2.00A868k problem (2 msgs)
- MOSAIC 200A8.PPC problem
- MSWord 6 -- Any Good Reasons for Updating?
- Need formatting software for IDE Drive
- Now Super Boomerang on PPC
- Opening Audio CD files (A)
- Openning Audio CD files
- Openning Audio CD files [R]
- Pacific High Tech address (Q)
- Poor support from Supra
- PowerMac as a router???
- Printing reports in application frameworks
- qualms about plugging audio CD's (Was: Riki Goes Easy)
- Removing a Macintosh's name
- Replacing Icons
- SCSI problems on 6100/CD
- size of group of files
- Suitcase reply
- supraFaxLc, tcp, ... questions
- System 7.5 and FaxSTF 2.6.1
- System 7.5 CPU Power Saver and File Sharing Users
- Time/date/control panels reset upon restart
- TopSoft Invitatioin
- Transwarp AE stuff
- WordPerfect 3.0 - a dissatisfied user!
- WordPerfect 3.x
- WP6.0 Windows -> MSWord 5.1a (Mac) - Help!! (R)
- WWW Programs - Which is the best?
- The Info-Mac Network operates by the volunteer efforts of:
- Bill Lipa, Gordon Watts, Liam Breck, Igor Livshits, Adam C. Engst
- The Info-Mac Archive is available at 50 public and private sites around
- the world. For the site list, request it by mail (address below), or try:
- gopher://sumex-aim.stanford.edu/info-mac/help/mirror-list.txt
- Also accessible by ftp. Help files and indexes are also in info-mac/help/.
- Mail administrative queries and info to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail articles for publication in the digest to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Mail files for inclusion in the archives to macgifts@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- To submit a file greater than 800K, or to avoid submitting by (and
- segmenting for) email, send email describing the file to
- backmod@sumex-aim.stanford.edu and upload it to:
- ftp://daemon.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Incoming
- As with emailed submissions, non-text files must be binhexed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 13:52:14 -0500
- From: igorl@uiuc.edu (Igor Livshits)
- Subject: [!] Commercial announcements
- Lately, there's been an increase in commercial announcements sent to Info-Mac.
- We do not accept commercial announcements of products or services. However,
- we welcome demonstration copies of products.
- I've modified help/posting-guidelines.txt to reflect this policy.
- Cheers, Igor
- Info-Mac archivist
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 14:23:46 -0500
- From: "Christopher Johnson" <john1852@>
- Subject: [*] AnimanBaloney; some sounds
- The sounds in this archive are taken from the short "Baloney and Friends"
- starring the Warner Brothers and Sister, and everybody's favorite
- dinosaur (yack!)
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/animan-baloney.hqx; 1196K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 14:26:17 -0500
- From: ryan feeley <feel4344@mach1.wlu.ca>
- Subject: [*] Blue box trash replacement icon
- This is a swell blue box placement for the trash can. Just get IconArtist
- >From info-mac and you can replace it in a snap.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/blue-box-icon.hqx; 4K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 02:52:59 -0400 (EDT)
- From: f8dy@netaxs.com
- Subject: [*] Brailler 0.4B; a Braille text editor
- Brailler is a Braille text editor. You can use it as a brailler-style
- typewriter (with six keys and a space bar), or you can type in English
- and Brailler will translate your text into grade 1 or 2 American
- Standard Braille as you type. Requires system 7.0 or later.
- [Archived as /info-mac/text/brailler-04b.hqx; 102K]
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/brailler-04b-c.hqx; 195K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 12:49:33 -0500
- From: Virtual Dave Lankes <rdlankes@ericir.syr.edu>
- Subject: [*] Bread & Butter; a presentation about Internet services
- "Bread&Butter" is a presentation ("FTP, NetNews, E-Mail and Telnet: The
- Bread & Butter of the Internet") I put together for Global
- Enterprise. It served as the slides for my presentation covering a basic
- Internet Model (client/server), E-Mail, FTP, Telnet and NetNews. It's only
- really useful purpose is to be "talked against" in an oral presentation.
- Feel free to use these slides in your presentations, just let me know
- if
- you do (I'm just curious) via e-mail, phone or postcard (at AskERIC, we
- like cows on our postcards). This was done in MacroMedia Director 4.0 and
- saved as a stand-alone projector. If you want the original file let me
- know and we can work something out. Also let me know if you find errors. I
- plan to add the Web and Gopher soon. Copyright October 1994 R.
- David Lankes
- System Requirements:
- 4mb free RAM
- 256 Colors 640x480 Monitor (i.e., 14" monitor)
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/info/bread-and-butter.hqx; 903K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 14:26:09 -0500
- From: ryan feeley <feel4344@mach1.wlu.ca>
- Subject: [*] Cerebella Icon and Cartoon
- This is an icon based on a cartoon I write for some local university
- papers. I've also included a really rough scan of one of the cartoons
- that I found to give you an idea of how much I need help.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/cerebella-icon.hqx; 10K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 19:40:25 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Mac ICONtact Asst. System Manager and Internet Manager"
- <NWCS@delphi.com>
- Subject: [*] CheckGestaltFor XCMD
- This is the CheckGestaltFor XCMD. It reads the Gestalt
- Manager for any selector and returns the response.
- For attribute data, you pass in the bit of interest
- and the XCMD will return a true or false value.
- Requires: Hypercard (or something that uses XCMDs).
- I hope this is useful for someone! It's the first XCMD
- I've made. If anyone has any questions or requests,
- please send it to nwcs@delphi.com.
- [Archived as /info-mac/card/check-gestalt-for-xcmd.hqx; 8K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 14:13:38 -0400
- From: support@csg.msa.com (Management Science Associates, Inc. (support))
- Subject: [*] COPYrightPro 1.0.3 Demo; a file copying utility
- This is a demo version of COPYright Pro version 1.0.3. This version is
- fully compatible with all versions of System 7, including System 7.5. It is
- also fully compatible with PowerMacs and Apple System Updater 3.0, and it
- works very well with all versions of Apple Remote Access.
- COPYright Pro's usefulness can be summed up in one phrase: seamless
- background copying. This means you have full access to the Finder during a
- copy, preserving the ability to launch applications, delete files -
- virtually all normal Finder functions. Simultaneous copying of multiple
- files to multiple destinations is supported. It maintains a copy history of
- all files copied to and from any Macintosh. COPYright Pro will save you
- time by enabling you to continue working during a long file copy or backup.
- COPYright Pro also lets you schedule copies. These "pending copies" can
- occur at any time - hourly, daily, weekly, or at predetermined intervals.
- You can filter files being copied by name, type, creator, size,
- modification, creation date, and more. This makes it the "Easiest to Use"
- back up utility available today. Just drag it, drop it, (set your timer and
- filters) and forget it.
- This demo is fully functional, but will only work for 14 days. If you have
- any questions or comments about COPYright Pro, please call MSA Technical
- Support at (800) 366-4622 or (412) 471-7170.
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/copyright-pro-103-demo.hqx; 184K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 13:51:13 -0500
- From: Paul Chapman <pchapman@cs.stmarys.ca>
- Subject: [*] dal_physics; a collection of small educational programs
- This is a collection of small educational programs
- used in labs and demonstrations in the Physics Department
- of Dalhousie University. They are being distributed as
- Freeware, with no guarantees of any kind. Source code
- is available on request. Have fun!
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/dal-physics.hqx; 1988K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 10:29:05 +0900
- From: setsu@lab2.yamaha.co.jp (Takashi
- Suzuki/=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCTmtMWk40O0obKEI=?=)
- Subject: [*] DX7 Librarian 1.1.2; a MIDI utility
- DX7 Librarian is an application for the Macintosh which allows you
- to make up library of voice data for DX7. One window has one voice
- data, and you can open windows as many as you want.
- When this application receives bulk dump MIDI data, new window will
- open and show you it's parameter. You can keep 32 voices in one file,
- so it's easy to replace DX7's internal 32 voices.
- Apple Script recordable.
- What's changed in 1.1.2:
- Raw Data format support by Command+Option+O.
- Improved memory management efficiency.
- Requirement :
- System7 + QuickTime or System7.1
- Apple MIDI Manager or OMS
- Save Protected.
- Takashi Suzuki
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/dx7-librarian-112.hqx; 218K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 16:50:38 +0800
- From: Peter N Lewis <peter.lewis@info.curtin.edu.au>
- Subject: [*] Finger 1.5.0; a TCP/IP finger client
- Finger v1.5.0 is Finger client for Macs with MacTCP allowing
- you to finger other machines.
- Changes in this version:
- Added AppleScripting/recording support
- Added support for the AppleScript URL suite
- Added AURL documents
- Removed the daemon (use Daemon instead).
- Finger is US$10 Shareware.
- Hope you like it,
- Peter <peter@kagi.com>.
- Finger 1.5.0 Copyright 1991-1994 Peter N Lewis
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/finger-150.hqx; 92K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 14:23:39 -0500
- From: d.veldhuizen@genie.geis.com
- Subject: [*] Icon Extractor 1.2; extract individual icons from resources
- Icon Extractor is a small drag-and-drop utility that creates
- individual files with custom icons from all Finder icon suites
- in files dropped on it. Those icons are then visible in the
- Finder and can be copied and pasted in the 'Get Info' dialog.
- Freeware.
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/util/icon-extractor-12.hqx; 19K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 19:03:27 +0100
- From: JasonTownsend@mail.utexas.edu (Jason Townsend)
- Subject: [*] JSoban 1.0b11; a Sokoban game variation
- JSokoban is a freeware port of the classic "Sokoban" game (like
- MacSokoban), where you have to push the money bags to their destination
- postitions one at a time to solve each level. JSokoban is now in late beta
- and will be released as a final product within a month. It has
- multiple undo, awesome color/B&W/grayscale graphics and sounds, and runs
- under System 6.0.7 and up.
- New features/bug fixes:
- * Multichannel sound now only works with Sound Manager 3.0, correcting
- problems with opening three channels on a slower Mac (i.e. Classic II)
- without SM3. Sound is still asynchronous on any Mac.
- * Removed unused DLOG and DITL resources.
- * Updated info in about box.
- * The menu bar flashes in place of the "bonk" sound when sound is off.
- * Interleaved drawing to screen and offscreen bitmap in B&W to remove
- annoying delay after the level is drawn.
- * The demo is now multitasking-friendly and you can use some of JSokoban's
- menu commands while it is running, as well as switch to other programs/move
- windows/etc.
- * The "J" logo in the about box no longer draws incorrectly on B&W Macs
- with color quickdraw.
- * Fixed bug in external file code.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/j-sokoban-10b11.hqx; 91K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 01:53:46 EST
- From: Bow Wow Wow <scheida@earlham.edu>
- Subject: [*] Kant Generator Pro 0.5.1 beta; a philosopher simulator
- Kant Generator Pro is a program that generates psuedo-Kant on demand.
- 0.51 addes the ability to generate Pascal code fragments, as well as
- fixing a couple of bugs in the previous version.
- David_Scheidt@Math.earlham.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/info/nms/kant-generator-pro-051.hqx; 97K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 14:26:02 -0500
- From: ryan feeley <feel4344@mach1.wlu.ca>
- Subject: [*] Kitty Litter Trash Icon
- This is a souped up kitty litter trash icon that I found off of sumex-aim
- a while ago. Now it looks better and I you like cat's (and their
- excrement) you love this icon even more.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/ryans-kitty-litter-trash.hqx; 3K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 14:25:49 -0500
- From: Aaron Anderson <aaron@netaxs.com>
- Subject: [*] Mac Net Journal; October 15, 1994 issue
- Attached is the latest issue of Mac Net Journal. You have been
- archiving it on Info-Mac, so I figured you might like the latest issue.
- It is compressed and BinHexed.
- Thanks for your support.
- Aaron Anderson
- aaron@netaxs.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/mnet/mac-net-journal-94-10-15.hqx; 166K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 12:46:21 -0500
- From: SIMPSON_HOMER_J <wattjame@cwis.isu.edu>
- Subject: [*] MacSki color file; colors for the game
- Here is the color file for MacSki. It has to be run in 16 colors.
- Homer
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/mac-ski-color-file.hqx; 366K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 21:54:17 -0500
- From: Richard Shapiro <macrshap@BBN.COM>
- Subject: [*] MailConverter 1.6.6; converts between mailbox formats
- MailConverter, still a utility for converting mail and mail-like files in
- various formats into Eudora mailboxes.
- Major changes since last macgifts release:
- 1. Real drag awareness! You can drag files, NewsWatcher articles-by-subject
- and text into converter windows.
- 2. New setting, Send To Eudora, which if checked will immediately open the
- newly created mailbox in Eudora (if the latter is running). This only works
- with the commercial Eudora. Together with (1), this lets you convert
- collections of NewsWatcher articles into a displayed Eudora mailbox with a
- single drag+drop.
- 3. An "assembly" window that lets you assemble various documents of various
- sorts and convert the whole lot into one mailbox.
- 4. The generic headings are now handled as a preference; you can add to the
- list if you want to.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/mail-converter-166.hqx; 56K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 17:20:32 -0500
- From: Eric Scouten <scouten@uiuc.edu> (Eric Scouten)
- Subject: [*] Maven update (2.0d23); an audio conferencing package
- Attached is a development update to the Maven audio-conferencing program.
- This version corrects several minor bugs in the previous release.
- Please place this version (2.0d23) on your servers in the appropriate
- locations, and delete the previous release.
- Bug reports should be sent directly to me (scouten@uiuc.edu).
- -Eric
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/maven-20d23.hqx; 95K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 15:27:34 +1000
- From: Hugh.Fisher@anu.edu.au (Hugh Fisher)
- Subject: [*] MenuSlide 1.1; some menubar switching code in Pascal
- This is a little application I wrote to test a user interface idea:
- that the menu bar should slide when you switch applications.
- Source code (THINK Pascal) and binary (it's very small) included.
- Please try it and let me know what you think.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/menu-slide-11-p.hqx; 18K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 17:56:42 -0500
- From: benner@neb.com (Jack Benner)
- Subject: [*] MHZA2144; an ARA script for the Megahertz PCMCIA modem
- This submission contains an ARA CCL script for a Megahertz PCMCIA Modem
- (14.4 kbps Data/Fax) FLASH ROM w/ MNP-10. It was obtained from the
- Megahertz BBS. I have tested it with the XJ2144 PCMCIA modem on a Powerbook
- 520c running 7.1.1 with the Apple PCMCIA Expansion Module. No problems have
- been encountered using this script. This is a self-extracting archive and
- contains the CCL and README files.
- benner@neb.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/ara/scr-megahertz-a2-144.hqx; 26K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 22:52:26 +1300
- From: allan@goldenms.actrix.gen.nz (Allan Udy)
- Subject: [*] MikePack Documentation; for 4D externals
- Please find attached a 'Commander 2.0' compatible Command Set file=
- which
- contains the documentation for the 4th Dimension external packages=
- written
- by Mike Jimenez.
- 'Commander' is an on-line Language Reference Manual for the 4th Dimension
- procedural language. The enclosed Command Set file is for use with=
- the
- Commander application only.
- Regards,
- Allan
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/a4d/ext/mikes-pack-175-docs.hqx; 58K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 13:39:44 -0500
- From: ryan feeley <feel4344@mach1.wlu.ca>
- Subject: [*] Natural Born Killers; sounds from the movie
- Here is my favourite line from Natural Born Killers lifted from the CD
- soundtrack.
- Sampled at 22kHz mono on my LCIII using Sample Editor and the sound in jacks.
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/natural-born-killers.hqx; 144K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 12:46:48 -0500
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: [*] NewsWatcher 2.0b16, a Usenet client
- This is the latest version (2.0b16) of NewsWatcher, John Norstad's
- excellent Mac-TCP based Usenet newsreader. Various small improvements and
- fixes appear in the release, include simplified use in multi-user
- situations. Also included is the full documentation in Postcard format.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/news-watcher-20b16.hqx; 652K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 07:33:35 -0700 (PDT)
- From: John Jensen <jjensen@kaiwan.com>
- Subject: [*] nShell(tm) "inc" and "dec" commands
- This package contains new "inc" and "dec" commands (and their source
- code) for the nShell(tm). These commands add or subtract offsets from
- shell variables. This is useful in controlling loops within shell
- scripts.
- The nShell is a traditional scripting environment for the Apple
- Macintosh. The shell is available in two forms. A light version, called
- nShell(tm), is freely distributable for non-commercial purposes. A
- second version, called nShell-Pro(tm), is available as a commercial
- product. Our goal is to make the shell environment available to as many
- users as possible, while providing serious users with the support and
- reliability of a full commercial product.
- EMail: jjensen@aol.com, jjensen@kaiwan.com, or jjens@eworld.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/inc-dec-nshell.hqx; 37K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 11:44:03 -0700
- From: amorator@spider.lloyd.com (Alex Moratorio)
- Subject: [*] PoDMap; a map of the mines region
- This is my first time trying this. If I am in error, please direct me to a
- FAQ or tell me what to do differently.
- The included file is a map of the mines in the game Prince of Destruction.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/pod-mines-map.hqx; 46K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 23:21:07 -0700 (PDT)
- From: "Vladimir A. Butenko" <butenko@crl.com>
- Subject: [*] PortShare Pro 2.2 Demo; share your serial ports
- The PortShare(tm) Pro software enables your Macintosh to share serial
- communication ports (i.e. modems/printers/etc attached to those
- ports) with other Macintosh computers connected to your network.
- Version 2.2 - added compatibility with one-port machines (Duo,
- new Powerbooks).
- This is the version that can also be used with stand-alone
- routers and other boxes (like Webster MultiPort(tm)/LT) that
- support PortShare protocol.
- Demo version: the session time is limited (2 min).
- See the ReadMe file and the "About" box in the software
- for more info.
- Stalker Software, Inc.
- 800-262-4722
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/atlk/port-share-pro-22-demo.hqx; 62K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 14:24:31 -0500
- From: d.veldhuizen@genie.geis.com
- Subject: [*] QuickConverter 1.5; converts from Quicken data to tab delimited
- QuickConverter 1.5 is a small drag-and-drop utility that converts
- data exported from a Quicken (tm) register to tab-delimited text
- for use in spreadsheets and databases. Complete instructions in
- Read Me file in archive. Freeware.
- [Archived as /info-mac/cmp/quick-converter-15.hqx; 45K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 12:04:39 -0400
- From: robert@rp.cam.org (Robert Pellerin)
- Subject: [*] Robert's File Transfer 1.00; a UUCp utility
- Robert's File Transfer (RFT) is a simple, console based, program I wrote to
- facilitate UUCP file transfers between systems. To use it you need UUPC 3.1
- for Macintosh and a UUCP account, and, you must have enough experience on a
- Macintosh to configure UUPC, and to maintain a good relationship with your
- host's administrator. :-)
- There is nothing fancy about RFT. A simple command line interface does
- everything, and the necessary files are spooled to your SPOOLDIR.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/uucp/roberts-file-transfer-10.hqx; 37K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 23:06:46 -0400 (EDT)
- From: brg@usa.net (Brian R. Gaeke)
- Subject: [*] ShortFinder 1.5b2; a Finder substitute
- Here is ShortFinder 1.5b2, which is a bug-fix release that supersedes
- all other versions of ShortFinder. Emergency Disk Maker 1.0 is still
- current, however.
- The bug (now fixed) was that when one opened ShortFinder and the Finder
- was not open, ShortFinder wouldn't know where to look for the Finder so
- that it could re-launch it using the ReLaunch BigFinder menu item.
- This is a $30/$15 shareware package (you pay according to how much it's
- helped you, ideally.)
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/short-finder-15b2.hqx; 109K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 20:59:01 CDT
- From: Scott Lindhurst <lindhurs@math.wisc.edu>
- Subject: [*] Sokoban 1.2 (a game)
- This is a Macintosh implementation of the computer game Sokoban.
- (Another implementation by a different author is called MacSokoban).
- Sokoban 1.2 is an update to Sokoban version 1.1.1. A minor bug
- has been fixed and keyboard navigation has been improved.
- Sokoban is a logical game in which you try to get treasure
- chests through a maze to their proper locations. The chests are so
- heavy that you can only push them one at a time. Also be careful
- that you don't get a chest trapped in a corner; the chests have no
- handles so they can't be pulled at all.
- You can undo the last 500 moves, more than enough to recover from
- any mistakes. There are 85 levels included, and when you finish them,
- you can make your own levels.
- Sokoban will run on any Macintosh from the Mac Plus higher,
- including Power Macintoshes. It requires only system 4.1, but works
- fine under any newer system, including system 7. In other words, I
- don't think there are any current Macintoshes it won't run on.
- Scott Lindhurst lindhurs@math.wisc.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/sokoban-12.hqx; 43K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 19:05:09 -0500
- From: ryan feeley <feel4344@mach1.wlu.ca>
- Subject: [*] Some icons; 2 trash and one hard drive
- Here are some Nice icon files. Madem myself. 2 are trash can replacements
- and one is for the hard drive (which includes an ultra-low scan of one of
- my cartoon)
- Let me know if they send okay. I think that my modem program is adding a
- carriage return to every freakin' line.
- Thanks
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/grf/ryan's-icons.hqx; 16K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 19:05:01 -0500
- From: dev1@gte.com (Dale Veeneman)
- Subject: [*] SoundHandle-101; a sound player
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/sound-handle-101.hqx; 146K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 14:24:38 -0500
- From: d.veldhuizen@genie.geis.com
- Subject: [*] Sound Siphon 1.1; converts 'snd ' resources to Sys7 sound files
- Sound Siphon 1.1 is a small drag-and-drop utility that converts
- any 'snd ' resources in files dropped on it into individual
- double-clickable sound files. Drag the resulting files to your
- System suitcase to use them as alert sounds. Freeware.
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/sound-siphon-11.hqx; 20K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 23:08:43 -0400 (EDT)
- From: STH@eclx.psu.edu
- Subject: [*] Tangram 3.14-updated version; a game
- Tangram is an ancient Oriental toy which has 7 pieces, 5 triangles in
- different size, 1 square and 1 diamond. The objective of this game is
- to form a given shape using all 7 pieces.
- Thousands of shapes can be made by moving simple shaped pieces around.
- This puzzle game is specially great for children to practice matching
- skill. You may think this is only children's game, but you will find it
- challenging once you try it.
- Registered version has lots of features including editor and hundreds
- of puzzles. You can create your own puzzles with editor.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/tangram-314.hqx; 269K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 94 11:58:23 EDT
- From: Eric.M.Kidd@Dartmouth.EDU (Eric M. Kidd)
- Subject: [*] Type Fixer 1.0; Drag & Drop Automatic File Retyper
- Type Fixer is a utility which helps the Finder and Macintosh Easy Open locate
- a
- "creator" for files downloaded from non-Mac sources by changing their
- type/creator. It uses file name extensions (*.txt) or the last word of a
- file's
- name to identify a common Mac application which can be used to open files of
- that
- type. It can also be used to convert TeachText/SimpleText documents into
- those
- read-only "newpapers". An online manual explains how to use Type Fixer and
- covers
- all the usual legal stuff.
- Type Fixer is a drag & drop application, much like an AppleScript "droplet".
- Select a number of files and drag them onto Type Fixer (or an alias). They
- will
- be automatically retyped without having to enter four-character file and
- creator
- signatures. Additionally, Type Fixer will strip line feeds from text files
- and
- add returns if needed. Type Fixer is aware that TeachText and TexEdit cannot
- open
- files larger than 32k and will set these files to open in Microsoft Word
- instead.
- If you are familiar with file types and ResEdit, Type Fixer can be quickly
- customized to use other applications than the default. Instructions are
- included.
- I hope to add a user-friendly editor in the next major version.
- Eric Kidd emk@dartmouth.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/disk/type-fixer-10.hqx; 39K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 14:23:18 -0500
- From: "Eric Fischer" <enf1@midway.uchicago.edu>
- Subject: [*] Vim 3.0; a Mac version of the UNIX vi editor
- Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor vi. Only the 'Q'
- command is missing (you don't need it). Many new features have been added:
- multi level undo, command line history, filename completion, block operations,
- etc. See difference.doc.
- [Archived as /info-mac/text/vim-30.hqx; 351K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 10:32:25 -0500
- From: phil@nsun.phy.queensu.ca (Phil Harvey)
- Subject: [*] WebStat 2.3.4; analyzes MacHTTP log files
- WebStat reads MacHTTP log files to produce HTML-formatted output
- summary files.
- If you don't know what MacHTTP is, then you don't want this program.
- The program summarizes server statistics by day, hour, weekday, client
- domain, and file access. Options include a user-configurable output
- format, and the ability to perform DNS lookups to resolve client
- addresses.
- The program was written using the Symantec C++ 7.0 compiler, and the
- source codes are provided in the binhexed stuffit archive.
- - Phil Harvey
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/tcp/web-stat-234.hqx; 67K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 14:04:38 -0400
- From: jxj24@po.cwru.edu (Jonathan Jacobs)
- Subject: [*] WhoAmI? 0.9; restores resources that identify Mac models
- System 7.5 won't tell you what sort of Mac you are using. This is because
- Apple stripped out the identification resources. This application will put
- them in. This was written as a run-it-once-and-forget-it application
- rather than an extension because extensions are black magic, and do you
- really want to add yet another one to your overflowing Extensions folder?
- Please read the information file, and keep a copy of your original System
- file. This program has been pretty well tested, albeit not exhaustively
- so. Procede with caution. I haven't had any problems yet...
- jon
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/who-am-i-09.hqx; 37K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 18:44:49 -0700
- From: rguerra@leland.stanford.edu (Rich Guerra)
- Subject: [*] X-Master 2.0 for Newton
- X-Master 2.0 is a Newton utility which allows you to quickly and easily
- launch applets, books, and built-in functions without ever opening the
- Extras drawer. It is unobtrusive and easy to use. It installs popdown
- menus of the BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS and USER INSTALLED applets and Newton
- Books. Selecting an item from the list will open that app or book. The
- X-Master menus can ALSO be popped down by tapping on the Extras Button.
- X-Master can list ANY NUMBER of items that have been installed in the
- X-tras drawer using MultiMenus!
- Shareware: $12 US.
- Ricardo Guerra
- Impossible Dreams
- 2711 Brighton Place
- Fullerton, CA 92633 USA.
- Electronic Mail Addresses:
- NewtonMail/eWorld: rguerra; CIS: 71041,1371; AppleLink: IMPOSSDREAMS;
- InterNet: rguerra@eWorld.com
- [Archived as /info-mac/nwt/util/x-master-20.hqx; 22K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 00:30:33 EDT
- From: davea@xetron.com (Dave Alverson)
- Subject: [*] ZTerm 1.0b3 - PUBLIC BETA; a terminal emulator
- This is a Public Beta version of ZTerm. New features include Kermit,
- 16 color ANSI, Drag Manager support, dynamic scroll bar, user selected
- fonts (including 2 byte fonts like Japanese) and an AutoOpen feature to
- allow postprocessing of downloaded files depending on file type. It is
- a fat binary (PowerMac and 68k code).
- Fixes from 1.0b2: DragLib problem; Stop Ascii Send menu handling;
- only showed 5 macros; 115k data rate; other changes.
- Shareware: $30US registration only, $40 US registration with disk.
- No upgrade fee for registered users of older versions.
- Uploaded by author.
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/term/zterm-10b3.hqx; 386K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Oct 94 17:39:29 EDT
- From: Hans Kroeger <100136.3052@compuserve.com>
- Subject: 1994 World Factbook (Q)
- In Digest-134 zimm@alumni.caltech.edu (Mark Edward Zimmerman) announced that
- the 1994 World Factbook is now available.
- Question: Where may I find the maps which were part of the earlier version of
- the World Factbook ?
- Thanks for your help!
- Hans Kroeger
- kroeger@spacediv.dofn.de
- kroeger@stsci.edu
- 100136.3052@compuserve.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 94 00:18:31 EDT
- From: jhardis@tcs.wap.org (Jon Hardis)
- Subject: [Q] Accurate Time Sources
- > In <Info-Mac Digest V12 #138>:
- >
- > Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 14:20:04 +0000
- > From: co344@po.cwru.edu (Dirk Thompson)
- > Subject: [Q] Accurate Time Sources
- >
- > Is there an accurate "clock setter" that I can access through the
- > Internet--I was thinking of something like Clock Set, by Jim Leitch, that
- > does this via modem. (Incidently, is there a version of Clock Set out there
- > newer than 3.30?)
- >
- > Thanks for any help.
- >
- > Dirk Thompson
- > co344@po.cwru.edu
- NIST (The National Institute of Standards and Technology, formerly the National
- Bureau of Standards) maintains a server on the Internet that responds to most
- time query protocols. It's: time_a.timefreq.bldrdoc.gov
- I can't speak of programs in the Info-Mac archives that could use it; I use the
- time client in the commercial package VersaTilities.
- - Jonathan
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 18:54:44 +0100
- From: k.c.quick@open.ac.uk (Kevin Quick)
- Subject: [Q] Archive Python
- I hope that someone can help me with this problem.
- I've got an Archive Python drive from a Sun which the Mac recognizes but
- Retrospect won't write to it.
- I suspect that it is something to do with the switch settings.
- Does anybody have the switch setting for this DAT.
- Model's 4320NT or 4540NT.
- Any imformation would be apprieciated.
- Kevin.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 22:20:55 -0400
- From: Andrew Szymkowiak <aes@heasfs.gsfc.nasa.gov>
- Subject: [Q] location of "sad mac sounds"
- One of our Powerbook 170s is making one of those progressions of
- notes which telegraph just what is broken. I think that I remember
- that there were some sound files available which contained all
- the possible start-up sounds, along with a listing of what each
- indicated. I've searched the archives, but cannot find this.
- Could someone please send me a reference to where I might find
- these sounds.
- Thanks,
- Andy S.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 10:24:29 +0000
- From: co344@po.cwru.edu (Dirk Thompson)
- Subject: [Q] MEDLINE and EndNote or Pro-Cite
- Has anyone already taken the time to automate the task of re-formatting
- MEDLINE downloads to an EndNote or Pro-Cite format? I'll do it, but I'd
- hate to re-invent the wheel. TIA.
- Dirk Thompson
- co344@po.cwru.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 11:40:12 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Luis Muench <muench@solix.fiu.edu>
- Subject: [Q] search help!
- Included is the request...
- --TIA
- Luis
- --1900044074-1311253245-782667719:#16513
- Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name=Dbase
- Content-ID: <Pine.3.07.9410201159.B16513@solix>
- Content-Description:
- Hello all:
- This is a cross post search for a program, or perhaps an encouragement
- for the creation of one. The subject is for 2 areas that are not only
- growing in popularity but are heading into a collision course with each
- other: Database Publishing.
- Increasingly, average users are finding out the power of (relational)
- databases, and of course, the legendary fame of DTP (desktop pub) stands
- on its own. Well, average users are also finding out about Database
- Publishing.
- Hence, there is a wide open area for programs and utilities that would
- not only fan the flames of Database Publishing, but would also encourage
- both DTP and Dbases. Providing solutions to user's problems is where the
- market lies, and I have specific problems!
- Problem:
- Information is readily available from a multitude of databases, but more
- often than not, the data has to be manipulated further to be of ANY use.
- Manipulation is simple in terms of programming, but is out of reach for
- the average user. Manipulation involves changing cAsE, adding repetitive
- numbers to dates (10/21/94<<) or even adding the slashes between numbers.
- There is only so much a word processor can do (and slowly at that), so
- one would have to turn to spreadsheets to generate sequence numbers, etc.
- WOuld it not be elegant to offer these things -and more- under one
- umbrella?
- If you are encouraged to create such a beast or know of such a beast
- (that does it all) let me know at muench@solix.fiu.edu
- I currently use word, lotus, Torquemada (strange interface), and good ole
- manual labor!! to make data usable.
- Let me know what your thoughts are!
- Luis Muench
- muench@solix.fiu.edu
- --1900044074-1311253245-782667719:#16513--
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 19:45:34 MET
- From: Andrea Bonetti <rlyanbo@rly.abb.se>
- Subject: Answering machine...
- HI!
- Does anyone know if there is somewhere a share-free ware program that allows
- me to use my powerbook as an answer machine (answer and record)?
- I have an internal fax modem, but maybe somebody wrote the application using
- the microphone input and the sound output of the MAC.
- Thank you very much to everybody that will answer me.
- Andrea Bonetti (RLYANBO)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 94 07:57:34 PST
- From: "Tim D. Castle" <tim.castle@mtv.gtegsc.com>
- Subject: ARA CCL files for ViVa 14.4 modem?
- Does anybody out there in Mac Guru Land have or know where to get the CCL files
- for using ARA with a ViVa 14.4 modem? One of the users I support is asking for
- them, and I can't find them anywhere. I've searched CompuServe, America Online,
- Apple's internet sites, even eWhirled, and can't find anything.
- -T.C.
- Tim Castle tim.castle@mtv.gtegsc.com
- End-User Computing, GTE Gov't Systems, Mountain View, CA
- Did I state an opinion? Well, it's mine, not my company's!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 16:25:53 +0100
- From: "J. Rossi" <jr10@leicester.ac.uk>
- Subject: Atari emulator ?
- I asked the question three weeks ago but haven't received any answer
- yet. So here it is again:
- Is there any application (free/shareware & commercial) that emulates
- an Atari ST on the Mac ?
- Francois Rossi jr10@le.ac.uk
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 21:19 GMT
- From: alberto.ricci@pmn.it
- Subject: Audio CD files
- David Dantowitz <david@em.com> wrote:
- << Is there a straight-forward way to open an audio CD track?
- I'd like a more direct method than digitizing through the Mac's microphone
- port. >>
- I think the easiest way to get the digital data out of an Audio CD is to
- use QuickTime.
- Take an application such as SoundEffects (inside info-mac/sound/util/),
- then "Open..." and choose the Audio CD track you want... it'll be converted
- and opened.
- Best,
- - Alberto.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 20:40:51 -0500 (EDT)
- From: acpwvw!auxrcc!clemens@ms.uky.edu
- Subject: ClarisWorks 2.1v4 System 7.5 Problems
- It seems that ClarisWorks 2.1v4 and System 7.5 do not care for each other.
- Lots of bombs with "no coprocessor found" or "bus error" or an empty box.
- Anyone with the same problem or is there a more recent version of CW?
- rclemens@eworld.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 08:49:51 -0500
- From: "Kent Shook" <shook@omnifest.uwm.edu>
- Subject: Color on Power Macs
- Here's an interesting tidbit I just picked up:
- Early models of the Power Mac 7100 and 8100 CANNOT be set to black&white or 16
- colors, only 256 or more. This can cause problems with programs such as Maxis'
- SimCity Classic, which requires a monitor set to either monochrome or 16
- colors.
- Just so you know,
- Kent Shook
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 1994 13:14:29 -0500 (EST)
- From: john hachey <HACHEY@ABRSLE.AGR.CA>
- Subject: data download bottleneck
- Hello,
- I have a problem getting files from the net onto my mac.
- My connection to the net is through a vax and I can transfer files from
- my vax account to a pc easily enough through a LAN, but my mac is not hooked
- up to the LAN. Therefore, I have to copy to disc from the pc and apple-file
- exchange the files onto the mac. This is a hassle but I can deal with it.
- Unfortunately this limits me (to my knowledge) to files smaller than 1.44MB
- as I can't seem to reconstruct binhexed files that I have attempted to break
- into more than 1 part using dos msword.
- Any hints around this bottleneck?
- Thanks.
- John <hachey@abrsle.agr.ca>
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 00:12:32 +0100
- From: "Ad Herweijer" <ad@ph.tn.tudelft.nl>
- Subject: Easter egg in PPC upgraded Quadra 700
- After upgrading our Quadra 700 to a PowerMac 700, we discovered a
- non-documented
- bonus. Among the choices in the Monitors control panel there is a new flavor: a
- 1024*768 pixel screen resolution (19"). Now, this may not be such a big deal to
- many people, but it leaves us with a question: Why wasn't this resolution
- available previously, i.e. in the good old Quadra 700 mode? It would seem
- silly
- of Apple not to support this resolution while the video hardware (which has not
- been affected by the upgrade!) is perfectly capable of displaying it.
- Anyway, if someone out there is contemplating an upgrade for his Quadra 700,
- this easter egg may be an extra reason to do it!
- ir. Ad Herweijer, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Physics,
- Pattern Recognition Group, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft, the Netherlands,
- Phone: +31 15 782408, FAX: +31 15 626740, E-mail: ad@ph.tn.tudelft.nl
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 03:39:59 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: ethertalk start up
- sradford@heineken.tuc.nrao.edu (Simon Radford) writes:
- >
- >Subject: ethertalk start up
- >
- >We have a small ethernet network (2 Macs, one printer) and
- >have trouble with the builtin ethernet on one of the Macs.
- >When that Mac starts up, it looks to see if the ethernet
- >is already active. If it's active, it runs ethertalk, if not
- >it reverts to localtalk. Obviously this is a problem if
- >that Mac is turned on before the others. Anyone know of
- >a fix or workaround?
- Sounds like a bad cable. Try using a cable tester or replace the cables
- between the "bad" mac node and the rest of the network until you've
- eliminated the error on startup. Check for loose connections, corrosion,
- sharp bends in the cable, etc.
- Scott Coats
- Innovative Solutions
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 00:55:06 +0100
- From: lana%rs950.cisi.unito.it@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (maurizio lana)
- Subject: Eudora ddoesn't receive correctly info-mac (help!)
- I have Eudora commercial, as I use it on phone line.
- It connects to an IBM RS/6000 running AIX 3.2. The recommended POP mail
- server, popper, was installed.
- Eudora connects wonderfully under every respect, except that *only* the mail
- >From info-mac arrives trashed: the text appears as if some chunks went into
- hyperspace, but what is there is perfect (no characters garbled, or the like).
- Any suggestion?
- Many thanks.
- PS: given the problem I have, please CC: your answer directly to me ;-)
- Maurizio
- Maurizio Lana - CISI Universita'di Torino
- Via S. Ottavio 20, Torino - Italy
- fax 39 11 8991648
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 14:04:10 -0800
- From: monalisa@netcom.com (Philip Alan Cecchettini)
- Subject: GeoPort from 9600 to 14400?
- I have a 660AV and a GeoPort 9600 modem. Heard rumors that I can get 14400
- speed out of the GeoPort. Do you know how I do this? Thanks.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 19:53:52 +0000
- From: Paul Durrant <pdurrant@durrant.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #136
- In article <37m2m8$459@nntp.Stanford.EDU> (Info-Mac Digest V12 #136), you
- write:
- >Egad! I installed LaserWriter driver v8.2 and haven't been able to print
- >since! Here's the error which the printer spits out:
- >
- ><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- >ERROR: undefined
- >
- >
- >/Garamon-
- >/FontName
- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- >
- >8.1.1 worked fine. What's the problem? It cuts across applications,
- >although this example is from Excel. I use Garamond as my default font.
- >
- >I followed directions in installing LW8.2, including trashing the old LW
- >Preferences file, and went through the entire Chooser setup--several times.
- >
- >Is the font name "/Garamon-" instead of "/Garamond" causing the problem?
- >Where is that coming from?! And how can I fix it? And who should I report
- >it to if it's an Apple bug?
- >
- >Thanks for any available help/pointers. Cheers!
- >
- >--Gib Henry
- I don't know why it happened when you moved to 8.2, but I don't think it's
- anything to do with the LW driver. It sounds like a corrupt font.
- In the FOND resource, there a table linking the screen fonts to the
- PostScript font names. It looks like this has screwed up, so that instead
- of
- /Garamond-BoldItalic
- it's sending
- /Garamon- BoldItalic
- (note the space). This will cause the printer to try to interpret BolItalic
- as a PS command, which causes the error.
- re-install the Garamond font from original disks. That should cure it.
- Paul Durrant
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 21:28:31 -0400 (EST)
- From: Jack Countryman IAC <jcountry@ideanet.doe.state.in.us>
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #137
- re: Bruce@asu.edu question on Performa clip art: On the 575 that came
- via the teacher buy last summer, you open the Documents Folder, and there
- you will find a folder named "Clip Art Performa Collection" with some 64
- items totalling 1955K. It does not appear in the At Ease preset launch list.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 07:19:55 +1000
- From: c.mclaughlin@uws.edu.au (Colin McLaughlin)
- Subject: Info-Mac Digest V12 #138
- >Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 08:35:34 -0400
- >From: msullivan@carib.vf.ge.com
- >
- >Carib>
- >Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 08:38:06 -0400
- >From: Michael Sullivan <msullivan@carib.vf.ge.com>
- >To: <info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
- >Subject: Appletalk over internet
- >
- >I saw it on the net earlier.... but didn't save it! Does anyone know how to
- > get appletalk to work over tcp/ip? (not the otherway around!) Want to
- > establish a slip connection and then appletalk file share to a mac on a
- >local
- > internet.
- > Thanks,
- > Mike
- Me too I know the original posting said something about the University of
- Melbourne and it was called something like IP/Remote Appletalk. Does anyone
- know the correct name and FTP address of the site.
- Colin McLaughlin University of Western Sydney Macarthur
- Senior Administrative Officer Student Services Division
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 10:15:25 +0300
- From: george@zeus.cc.ucy.ac.cy (George A. Papadopoulos -- CS Dept -- U of
- Cyprus)
- Subject: installing LW.8.1.1
- Hello. I have one question related to installing LaserWriter.8.1.1.
- Installation fails half-way through with the error message:
- "Install Failed: Unknown error OSErr=-043".
- My Mac is a IIci with 80MB HD and 6MB RAM.
- Please reply by personal mail.
- Many thanks for any help anyone may be able to give me.
- George
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 16:11:27 GMT
- From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
- Subject: Internet for kids
- Eric Durbrow scribbled:
- >Could some kind soul recommend what to visit on the Internet with kids
- >using Mosaic or MacWeb?
- Newsgroups:
- news.newusers.questions
- *.answers
- k12.*
- misc.kids
- alt.missing-kids
- alt.sexual.abuse.recovery
- >... suggest some semi-educational games to download from the Internet?
- Try DOOM. The kids will LOVE it!
- Sven
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 11:41:00 edt
- From: "Lawrenson, Steve" <steve.lawrenson@canada.cdev.com>
- Subject: INTERNET Searching (the Mac Way)
- The Company I work for is looking to upgrade its current on-line library
- services to enhance our "search" capabilities in many areas; we presently use
- a number of Canadian and U.S. based library search services. We are proposing
- to buy some commercial CD-ROM databases to do a variety of information
- searches in-house. Some typical search examples include:
- o Technology searches in the defense related field
- o Patent searches
- o Searching for test cases for new technology implementation
- o Specification and Standards searches
- o Computer hardware and software related searches
- Before investing in these CD-ROM(s) databases, we thought it prudent to see
- if this information is available commercially (and/or free) via the INTERNET.
- I know one of our proposed CD-ROM purchases is soon to be available
- commercially via the INTERNET (Computer Select: a database of 50 or so
- computer magazines covering hardware and software products).
- CD-ROMs, although versatile, pose other logistical problems with a company
- our size and having different locations (such as the capital acquisition of
- CD-ROM readers/jukeboxes, hardware and software support, training, network
- considerations, and the conducting of searches-our engineers would rather do
- the searches themselves then having to go through a secondary person).
- I realize the questions I pose are pretty nebulous, but if you would be kind
- enough to share any experiences with information searches via the INTERNET in
- a real world situation (how you did it, where you looked, software
- requirements, is there an FAQ in this subject area?). If you know of any
- specific CD-ROMs/databases available via the NET or any other commercial
- "search routes" which satisfy our typical search requirements listed above,
- that info would also be appreciated.
- These are the search engines I'm presently aware of for the Mac platform
- through WWW browsers such as Mosaic, Mosaic Netscape and MacWeb (Lycos Home
- Page, WebCrawler, Harvest Information Discovery and Access System, CUI W3,
- Jumpstation II, Nomad, ALIWEB, WWWW and ArchiePlexForm). As for searching
- Archie and Veronica sites, TurboGopher and Anarchie seemed to be the best
- methods for those kind of sites.
- If there is a more appropriate news group to post this message to, please
- take the liberty to do so or e-mail me with the appropriate info.
- steve.lawrenson@gpo.canada.cdev.com
- Ottawa, Canada
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 16:16:20 -0700
- From: neese@johns.Stanford.EDU (Tim Neese)
- Subject: Keyboards flaking out (R)
- We had to replace the only two Apple Adjustable Keyboards we bought as well
- for the same key bounce mentioned here. Unfortunately, ours waited until a
- couple months past warranty to act up. We had them checked out by an
- Authorized Apple Service Center and they never said anything about them
- being officially recognized as defective, although it sure looks like they
- must have been given the number of people who seem to have experienced the
- same problem. We haven't had the same kind of problem with our other
- standard and extended Apple keyboards. (knock on wood...)
- Tim
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 15:37:28 CDT
- From: "Stephen F. Kawalko" <kawalko@maxwell.eecs.uic.edu>
- Subject: Link error with MPW 3.2.3 and LS Fortran 2.1
- I just installed the student version of Language Systems Fortran
- on a Mac SE running System 6.0.8 and MultiFinder 6.0.8. The student
- version of LS Fortran consists of MPW version 3.2.3 and LS Fortran
- version 2.1. If MultiFinder IS NOT running I have no problems
- compiling, linking and executing a Fortran program using the RUN
- script. However, if MultiFinder IS running I always receive the
- following error message whenever I use either the RUN or
- LinkFORTRAN scripts.
- ### Link: Error: Out of memory (heap exhausted) (Error 86)
- Couldn't get handle to reset file "Gauss:MPW:Tools:Link".
- ### Link: Errors prevented normal completion.
- ### MPW Shell - Execution of LinkFORTRAN terminated.
- ### MPW Shell - Execution of run terminated.
- Since the error is occuring in the linker I assume that the problem
- is with MPW and not with the LS Fortran compiler. The LS Fortran
- manual has a little information on MPW but does not mention this
- error in the common errors encountered with the MPW linker. I do
- not have access to any other documentation on MPW.
- I have tried increasing the memory partition size of the MPW shell
- >From the default value of 2048K to about 2900K but I still get the
- the above link error. I can't set the partition size any larger
- because I only have 4MB of memory. Assuming that the memory usage
- shown in 'About Finder' is correct then up to the point at which
- the error occurs the MPW shell uses approximately 50% of its memory
- partition. So why is the linker complaining about the lack of memory
- when there is plently of available memory.
- Stephen Kawalko (kawalko@maxwell.eecs.uic.edu)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 16:30:33 +0000
- From: ajcarr@ccvax.ucd.ie (Alun J. Carr)
- Subject: look for a font (A,C)
- In IM 138 forbes@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu (Graeme Forbes) writes in response
- to an earlier query:
- [deleted...]
- >There are freeware Mac versions of the 7-bit Computer Modern fonts where
- >you might be able to find it (try the tex archive at midway.uchicago.edu).
- >I have been unable to get these fonts to work properly. And not all the cm
- >fonts have been converted to Type 1 format.
- [deleted...]
- There are now copies of the CM fonts in the CTAN archives in Windoze
- TrueType format (which can be converted to Mac format using the shareware
- TTConverter). For the US CTAN:
- ftp://ftp.shsu.edu/ctan/tex-archive/fonts/cm/ps-type1/bakoma/ttf/
- I've tried converting them, and they work fine. The font you want is cmsy10.
- Hope this helps.
- Alun
- --
- Dr A. J. Carr, Mech. Eng. Dept., UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland.
- Internet: ajcarr@ccvax.ucd.ie
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 09:20:07 -0500 (CDT)
- Subject: Low-cost color printer summary
- In response to my earlier post about a low-cost color printer, the replies were
- hardly overwhelming:
- HP550C--1 vote
- Apple Color StyleWriter Pro--2 votes
- Epson color printer for Mac (yet unnamed)--1 vote
- I think we'll probably go with the Apple Color StyleWriter Pro because of its
- favorable reviews and the ability to change out individual color ink wells
- instead of the whole thing all at once.
- Steve Waechter
- Department of Family Medicine
- University of Tennessee, Memphis
- swaechter@utmem1.utmem.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 10:14:10 -0400
- From: Catherine Rey <crey@next28.darpa.mil>
- Subject: Mac HTTP Clients and File Name Length
- Do Mac HTTP clients take care of file name length restrictions (for example, a
- link to a GIF with a long name that's not not an in-line image)? Any problems
- with the external viewers? I have no way to test this.
- Thanks.
- Catherine Rey
- crey@arpa.mil
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 12:32:24 -0400
- From: Liam Breck <breck@external.umass.edu>
- Subject: Macintosh Client/Server Database Development Summary
- Attention database developers:
- The Macintosh Client/Server Database Development Summary, Revision 1.1, by
- Liam Breck, has just been released. This is a summary of client-builder
- tools, data access layers, and database servers applicable to Macintosh
- (and cross-platform) client/server database development. The summary
- includes explanations of the three categories and describes over 25
- products. It is purely informational and contains no propaganda, as the
- author is a neutral party. To receive the document by email, request a copy
- >From the author at breck@external.umass.edu.
- Liam Breck
- Data Innovations, Amherst Mass. breck@external.umass.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 22 Oct 1994 10:24:12 -0500
- From: aaron@netaxs.com (Aaron Anderson)
- Subject: Mac Net Journal
- For all of you who don't already know,
- Mac Net Journal, the digital, interactive biweekly Zine for Mac users
- only is available via anonymous FTP at ftp.netaxs.com under directory
- /pub/. The last issue was just put out October 15 and all back issues are
- available at this site.
- Mac Net Journal is more than just boring news. It is exciting graphics
- and sound, as well as boring news :) Come and check it out!
- Aaron Anderson
- aaron@netaxs.com
- ftp://ftp.netaxs.com/pub/
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 16:54:31 -0600
- From: tony.rath@online.com.bz
- I have only e-mail access to the Net and have been looking for sometime
- now for a QWKmail reader which will allow easy archiving of messages in a
- database, preferably FileMaker Pro. I run a Quadra 650. Please respond
- to tony.rath@online.com.bz I will summarize the response if any are
- forthcoming.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 12:14:57 -0800
- From: kcary@pepperdine.edu (Kim Cary)
- Subject: Map software to plot demographics?
- If you know of some map software that will plot demographics (so many of
- characteristic X in this zipcode, so many in that, etc.) can you forward
- some info to me? I've looked in the usual suspects mailorder catalogs and
- found map software, but not with plotting.
- Thanks!
- Kim Cary-Instructional Technologist-Grad School of Ed & Psy
- Pepperdine University(kcary@pepperdine.edu)310-568-5628
- "Boredom excites me!"
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 22 Oct 1994 10:02:05 +0730
- From: cceccs@nus.sg (Chiang-Seng Chong)
- Subject: Mariner 2.16
- Dear Mac users: Where can I find Mariner 2.16 on the net? I don't have
- CompuServe, AOL or other online services. Thanks.
- Regards, Chong C.S.
- NUS, Computer Centre, Singapore
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mr. Chong C.S., Computer Centre, National University of Singapore
- Internet: cceccs@leonis.nus.sg Phone: (65)7722481 Fax: (65)7780198
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 22 Oct 1994 12:45:32 +0100
- From: simula3@di.unito.it (Fabrizio Oddone)
- Subject: Modems with voice capability
- Just my two cents on SDMS: I absolutely agree with Scott Coats (Innovative
- Solutions) <INSOLUTION@eworld.com>, who wrote on Digest #137:
- > the Cypress Research software sold
- > with the voice upgrade stinks as does Supra's implementation of it and their
- > tech support stinks too.
- Here are the problems I found in the package:
- 1) Painful installation
- I had previously installed the Telephone Manager (got from the
- info.hed.apple.com gopher server) and had the Apple ISDN Telephone Tool
- installed in my Extensions Folder. The SDMS application started up and
- showed me a clueless alert box saying:
- Telephone Manager error -xxxxx
- Terminal Hdl bad (No Prep INIT?): Must restart Mac
- Telephone Manager must be restarted due to Apple architecture design flaw
- After restarting and trying everything, it still did not work. Fortunately
- I tried removing the Apple ISDN Telephone Tool from the Extensions folder
- and it instantly worked.
- Probably the SDMS looks for the first Telephone tool thinking that it is
- the Supra Telephone tool.
- 2) the user interface
- - is not user friendly
- the interface is very "modal", with several modal dialog boxes one after
- the other;
- the same dialog is used to edit the messages AND the sounds, so that (for
- instance) the remove button works on both the message and the sound. This
- is confusing.
- - has implementation flaws
- the popup menus are not drawn with the System CDEF and horrible.
- 3) the software is very poorly designed
- - When PowerTalk is not active, the Supra DMS jumps into Macsbug because it
- tries to execute an Unimplemented trap ($AA5D). If Macsbug is not present,
- a bomb occurs.
- The hang occurs when you disable PowerTalk from the control panel.
- The workaround is moving the PowerTalk stuff outside of the special folders
- (manually or with an extensions manager doing the job).
- I guess SDMS incorrectly checks for PowerTalk presence by looking for it in
- the special folders instead of using the documented System routines
- (_Gestalt).
- - The sound editor sometimes (admittedly seldom) screws up.
- - SDMS does not work with the Macintosh clipboard. That is, I cannot copy
- >From SDMS sound editor and paste to my favorite sound editor and vice
- versa.
- - I put an alias for SDMS into my Startup Items folder; SDMS was not the
- last application to run (I had other items in my Startup Item folder), so
- SDMS started up in the background; it jumped into Macsbug with a CHK
- exception.
- - SDMS creates sound resources with the "System Heap" resource attribute
- incorrectly set. This is a PITA when you (for instance) try playing a
- message under System 6 w/o MultiFinder: you get strange errors. The "System
- Heap" attribute should NOT be set.
- > Not only does the software suck, but chip set used in the Supra modem
- > compresses voice messages and the result is very poor playback quality. The
- > outgoing message is scratchy and seems to degrade with time.
- The message are saved in the standard MACE 6:1 compression format.
- Poor quality but low disk footprint.
- > The ONLY good thing I can say is that the LineShare software that came with
- > the upgrade has worked flawlessly--a tribute to Stalker Software. That's
- > basically the only thing left of the upgrade that I use.
- Yes, and Vladimir Butenko is much more competent than the Supra tech people.
- > As I said, I think Supra makes GREAT modems, but the SDMS is definitely a
- > waste of money and time.
- Oh, yes. Do _not_ purchase SDMS.
- Look for a V.34 modem and a separate answering machine.
- --
- Fabrizio Oddone
- simula3@di.unito.it
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 07:41:23 -0400
- From: Guido Paccagnella <guidop@conicit.ve>
- Subject: Modems with voice capability (R)
- Captain Chaos had some problems with his Supra Digital Messaging System.
- I have SDMS too. It took Supra a long time for sure. There's no objection
- with that.
- My upgrade box, besides having the new ROMs, and a screwdriver, also came
- with a booklet, or reference manual, and a Read me first flyer.
- Page 32 of the Reference lists a bunch of options for contacting Supra, as
- well as the last page of the addenda flyer. They even have an internet
- address: Tech Support - sdms@supra.com
- I don't think that any system is foolproof. The messaging system worked fine
- for me with systems 7.1 and 7.2 as a PowerMac. Soon I will test it under 7.5
- Supra recommends 6 to 8 Megs of RAM in your Mac. At least 2.5Megs should be
- allocated to SDMS.
- To wrap it up, I'm a very satisfied customer with both Supra and the
- messaging system, and haven't had problems with tech support (at least thru
- internet).
- Guido Paccagnella
- elementi
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 23:18 EST
- From: "Don't Panic!" <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
- Subject: Mosaic 2.00A868k problem
- Greetings,
- Mosaic 200.68k appears to be inconsistant.
- One moment there (are) (I can't edit my
- work properly on Telnet 2.6)
- is an autoload pictures, the next there isn't.
- Also 200.68k does not have an adjustable
- horizontal scroll bar. Considering I have a 12" RGB
- with 512 x 384 resolution that makes it very difficult
- for me to see text beyond the right hand side of the screen.
- I have decided to stick to Mosaic 1.0.3 until they fix the problem
- at NCSA.
- Which brings me to my next quam about an NCSA product.
- NCSA had a telnet before 2.6 that gave you a proper font
- and a proper 80 x 24 VT100 emulation. Now, I am forced to
- create a screen size of 60 x 24 with Geneva Truetype 9 just to
- get all of the text to fit on the screen.
- 60 columns means my terminal emulation in Telnet
- 2.6 is incompatable with any of the sites I Telnet to.
- Anyone know how to give Telnet 2.6 proper settings to work
- on a 512 x 384 screen?
- Thank you.
- Sinc
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 16:18:44 GMT
- From: Sven Guckes <guckes@inf.fu-berlin.de>
- Subject: Mosaic 2.00A868k problem
- >know why the pictures that used to load automatically in mosaic now don't?
- Maybe you have changed the settings?
- There is an option for it. I think it is toggled with command-i.
- >The only paint program I have is ColorIT, and I don't know which icon
- >to select for the pictures in html when setting the helper applications.
- What are you trying to do?
- 1) Setting the helper applications?
- 2) Looking at icons within Mosaic?
- 3) Creating inline graphics for WWW?
- Sven
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 12:06:21 -0400 (EDT)
- From: ORTIZ@lou.fordham.edu
- Subject: MOSAIC 200A8.PPC problem
- I am having a problem running the NCSAMosaic200A8.ppc on my power mac 7100/66.
- It seems to connect but once the 1st screen is full I get an unimplemented
- trap error and I have to restart. Does anyone else have this problem? If you
- do what can I do to correct it. Or can I find another Mosaic program to run
- on my power mac. Thanks in advance.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 14:41:42 -0500
- From: pitnercl@ornl.gov (Cindy Pitner)
- Subject: MSWord 6 -- Any Good Reasons for Updating?
- My division uses MS Word as its primary word processor, and I've been
- anxiously awaiting the release of version 6. However, all the reviews I
- seen so far (~15) have all been very negative. I use MS Word for just
- about everything, and there are some features in the new version I would
- like to have, but I can't justify spending money on an upgrade that's been
- reviewed so negatively. Has anyone upgraded to the new version yet, and
- can you give me some _good_ reasons I can present to my management?
- TIA for any help/comments.
- Cindy Pitner <pitnercl@ornl.gov>
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 94 14:37:22 EDT
- From: horton@sci-ed.fit.edu (P. Horton)
- Subject: Need formatting software for IDE Drive
- Does anyone know where I can obtain software to format a 3rd party (Maxtor)
- internal IDE hard drive in a Performa 636. The drive is not recognized by
- the IDE formatting software that comes with the Performa. I have contacted
- the Apple Assistance Center, and several companies that sell hard drive
- formatting software with no success.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 10:02:22 +0100
- From: hslk@knoware.nl (G.L.J. Hesselink)
- Subject: Now Super Boomerang on PPC
- I recently bought a PPC upgrade card for my Centris 610 (PDS-card). With
- this card all my applications worked fine exept for Now Super Boomerang;
- part of Now Utilities 4.0.2. I tried it with all other extensions off
- (exept Now Toolbox) but no difference. The rebound function of boomerang
- seemes to work but the menus are not appearing in the file-dialogs.
- Can anyone help me?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 15:16:28 -0400
- From: billallen@bose.com (Bill Allen)
- Subject: Opening Audio CD files (A)
- David Dantowitz asked:
- >Is there a straight-forward way to open an audio CD track?
- >I'd like a more direct method than digitizing through the Mac's microphone
- >port.
- I saw, on p66 of September's MacUser, a brief on Disc-to-Disk, a $199 app
- >From Optical Media International (800.347.2664 or 408.376.3511). MacUser
- wrote:
- "This application grabs digital-audio files from standard audio CDs played
- in a CD-ROM drive and turns them into Mac digital-sound files - going
- directly through SCSI, without any special sound hardware." [five mice]
- I haven't tried it, but maybe it's what you're looking for.
- Bill Allen
- Bose Corporation
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Oct 1994 16:10:33 +1300
- From: "matt n." <CLAS005@cantva.canterbury.ac.nz>
- Subject: Openning Audio CD files
- > Date: 17 Oct 1994 17:04:23 U From: "David Dantowitz"
- > <david@em.com>
- > Is there a straight-forward way to open an audio CD
- > track?
- > I'd like a more direct method than digitizing through the
- > Mac's microphone port.
- According to a recent MacWorld, the new version of FWB CD-ROM
- Toolkit converts audio CD to digital on your hard disk directly, but
- you need the right kind of CD player and perhaps the right kind of
- Mac. m.
- matt neuburg, phd = clas005@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
- In four days, world population will have increased by 1 million.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 1994 10:37:46 -0700
- From: "Bob Clemmons" <Bob_Clemmons@smtp.svl.trw.com>
- Subject: Openning Audio CD files [R]
- Subject: Time:10:34 AM
- OFFICE MEMO Openning Audio CD files [R] Date:10/19/94
- >Is there a straight-forward way to open an audio CD track?
- try info-mac/snd/util/grab-audio
- Bob Clemmons
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 00:39:42 +0100
- From: lana%rs950.cisi.unito.it@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (maurizio lana)
- Subject: Pacific High Tech address (Q)
- I lost the e-mail address of Pacific High Tech. Anyone could help me sending
- it to me?
- Many thanks.
- Maurizio Lana - CISI Universita'di Torino
- Via S. Ottavio 20, Torino - Italy
- fax 39 11 8991648
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 10:37:08 PDT
- From: lwin@San-Jose.ate.slb.com (Peter Lwin)
- Subject: Poor support from Supra
- Hi,
- Just a note of caution from a frustrated Supra owner. Their modems are OK
- but their support is the worst I have ever seen. My Supra internal modem
- for the PB died while under warranty and I could not get a RMA# from them.
- You CANNOT ever get through their support phone line AND they do not return
- any e-mail requests.
- I am going to purchase another brand and stay away from Supra in the future.
- Pete Lwin
- lwin@san-jose.ate.slb.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 13:10:16 -0400 (EDT)
- From: lusol@Turkey.CC.Lehigh.EDU (Stephen O. Lidie)
- Subject: PowerMac as a router???
- Shortly I'll have a PowerMac plus one or more other computers on an ethernet
- hub. The Mac will connect via ppp to the outside world. I'd like to use IP
- >From the other machines on the hub transparently via the Mac, but the Mac must
- be able to do IP routing.
- Is this possible? If so, what/where is the software?
- Take care,
- Steve
- --
- Stephen O.Lidie lusol@Lehigh.EDU
- Lehigh University Computing Center, USA
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 11:17:57 +0100
- From: dag@openinfo.se (Dag Rende)
- Subject: Printing reports in application frameworks
- Has anyone heard of any class library or tool to help generating reports
- >From an application written with some application framework like Symantec
- TCL, XVT Power++, Apple MacApp, or even Borland OWL, MFC, etc.
- As of what I know, all these frameworks has very little support for
- printing with headers, footers and dividing cyclic information like tables
- into pages.
- Dag Rende
- --------------------------------------------------
- OpenInfo AB Rasundavagen 123 tel +46 8 82 01 70
- 171 30 Solna fax +46 8 82 03 73
- Sweden
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 15:25:00 +0100
- From: edh@wn3.sci.kun.NL (Edward Hoenkamp)
- Subject: qualms about plugging audio CD's (Was: Riki Goes Easy)
- I find the commercial promotion of pop artists NOT apropos to Info-Mac
- Digest (or, one is enough). Best regards to Riki, Edward.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 08:14:15 -0500 (EST)
- Subject: Removing a Macintosh's name
- You can use SCSI-Probe to rename your Mac, so I expect that you can also use
- it to remove its name, i.e. give it a blank for a name.
- Bob Beason
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 14:47:25 EST
- From: Ingenting alls <omalleye@kenyon.edu>
- Subject: Replacing Icons
- To Whom it May Concern- I recently downloaded some replacement icons for
- the standard trash icon on the desktop. The creator of the icons suggests
- using IconArtist or ResEdit to install the icons. I haven't been able to find
- either one of these programs in an archive- IconArtist is shareware, so its
- probably on an archive, but I haven't found it. Unfortunately, the author
- didn't include an email address, so I can't ask where to find them. Hopefully
- someone knows. Thanks!
- Ed
- omalleye@kenyon.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 09:36:39 +0100 (BST)
- From: andy@dohiris2.icl.ox.ac.uk (Andrew Rohl)
- Subject: SCSI problems on 6100/CD
- Hi,
- I have just bought a PoerMac 6100 with internal CD. However I am
- now unable to access my external drive as the mac refuses to boot
- with it plugged in. I have set the SCSI ID to 2 so it shouldn't
- conflict either with the external HD or the CD. My question is:
- Is the internal CD terminated and if so how do I unterminate it?
- Thanks for any help
- Andrew
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 13:19:58 +0000
- From: t.hawkins@ic.ac.uk (tom hawkins)
- Subject: size of group of files
- Billy Pilgrim wrote:
- >I remember sometime back there was a nifty little drag and drop utility
- >put out by Apple called GroupInfo. You could drag a whole lot of files
- >and/or folders onto the icon to know their collective size without having
- >to do a cmd-I on each one.
- Haven't heard of the utility, but here's a way of doing the same thing:
- - First make sure your Trash is empty.
- - Drag the files/folders onto the Trash.
- - Select the Trash and do Get Info. This tells you the total size.
- - Open the Trash and do Select All then Put Away. This puts all the
- files/folders back where they came from.
- Tom (t.hawkins@ic.ac.uk)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 07:48:21 -0400
- From: Solrain@aol.com
- Subject: Suitcase reply
- >>We can't get suitcase to work properly. He's got Suitcase 2.1.4 and is
- running
- >>System 7.1.2 (I don't know why 7.5 was installed, but it wasn't). When we
- >>select Suitcase from the Apple menu, we get a beep and nothing. Anyone have
- >>Suitcase running on a PowerMac?
- I'm using Suitcase 2.1.4 under System 7.5 on a 7100/66 just fine. Also
- worked fine under System 7.1.2. Have you tried a clean install from
- the original Suitcase disk?
- -= Solrain =-
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 15:39:22 +0100 (MET)
- From: Dimitri Boone <Dimitri.Boone@rug.ac.be>
- Subject: supraFaxLc, tcp, ... questions
- [crossposted to the info-mac digest and comp.sys.mac.comm]
- Hi all,
- I bought myself a SupraFaxModem LC 144 , i just got it a couple of days,
- and i have a load of questions wich i hope you'll be able to answer.
- 1) Being a poor student i still have an 4 year old SE 2.5/40 and still
- running system 6.05.
- The Fax software that shipped with the modem was Faxiliate wich requires
- System 7. This is not so bad because, i will hardly ever use the fax. But
- anyway, was FaxSTF lite that used to ship with the 144LC system 6 comp.?
- I've send Supra an e-mail to ask for a disk swap or something, but they
- have not replied so far. Is there shareware fax software?
- 2) i've installed MacTCP 1.1 (wich i found on a mac here in the lab) and
- MacPPP to test the terminal server. I'm planning on buying The Internet
- Starter Kit for Mac for MacTCP 2.04. Everything works just fine. I just
- used Fetch a couple of times and fetching a text file gives about 850 -
- 900 bytes/second. Is this normal? Is it because of my slow Mac? Is it
- because of MacTCP 1.1?
- 3) Is MacTCP 2.04 system 6.x compatible?
- 4) what are the memory requirements to run a www browser? I have 2.5meg
- and i could install system 7 from the ftp.apple.com, but would i have
- enough memory left? Reading the tcp-abstracts from sumex, i think the
- Mosaic blurb said that it required 2.5 meg but offcourse it likes a lot more.
- Just connecting to one www site at a time would already be wonderful. Is my
- Mac too slow for Mosaic, MacWeb, Netscape ?
- 5) Would downloading a file from my Unix account using a plain serial
- connection and sx and zmodem be faster than using Fetch and MacPPP?
- When having such a plain serial connection, can i switch to MacPPP, it
- would require that MacPPP doesn't attempt to dial anymore. When i have a
- connection i can just telnet to the terminal server and entering "ppp"
- enters ppp mode.
- That's about it i think,
- Thank you so very much in advance *really* !!!!!
- Dimitri Boone
- Belgium
- Dimitri.Boone@rug.ac.be
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Oct 1994 09:23:23 -0500
- From: "Harris Tom" <harris_tom@po.gis.prc.com>
- Subject: System 7.5 and FaxSTF 2.6.1
- Does anyone know if FaxSTF(tm) 2.6.1 works under System 7.5?
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 1994 20:35:44 -0500 (EDT)
- From: acpwvw!auxrcc!clemens@ms.uky.edu
- Subject: System 7.5 CPU Power Saver and File Sharing Users
- I would like to have my Mac shut down automatically at a fixed time with the
- CPU Power saver. If a user is connected it will hang asking if I want to
- wait for x minutes till shutdown. I tried a script to kill all actives users
- without success. Ideas?
- rclemens@eworld.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 20 Oct 94 03:40:15 PDT
- From: INSOLUTION@eworld.com
- Subject: Time/date/control panels reset upon restart
- zyuan@mentor.lgc.peachnet.edu (Zhang Yuan) writes:
- >I upgraded my mac from system 6.1 to system 7.0, but everytime I
- >start my computer, it gives me a default setting--black & white screen, time
- >being 12:33 9/17/1956, etc. Even if I change the setting in "General
- Control"
- >Panel, but next time I turn on the computer, it goes back to the default
- >setting. I even reinstalled the system, but doesn't help.
- >
- >Yuan Zhang
- >zyuan@mentor.lgc.peachnet.edu
- You're battery is probably dead. You didn't mention which Mac you have. Some
- have an easily replaced battery while others are socketed or soldered to the
- motherboard. If a new battery doesn't fix the problem, it's probably a dead
- board (but unlikely). Your local dealer *should* replace a socketed battery
- without a labor charge (if they don't, go to a different dealer--it takes
- less than 5 minutes) while a soldered battery will be a little more due to
- the labor involved (about 20 minutes). The batteries themselves are under 10
- bucks and available at Radio Shack.
- Scott Coats
- Innovative Solutions
- ------------------------------
- Date: 20 Oct 1994 15:07:14 -0700
- From: "Tony Jacobs" <tony_jacobs@ced.utah.edu>
- Subject: TopSoft Invitatioin
- Mail*Link( SMTP TopSoft Invitatioin
- Dear Net'rs,
- o Are you a Mac Programmer with too much time on your hands?
- o OR, are you a UN*X (or other windowing environment) programmer that
- would like to port some neat Mac programs to your own world?
- o Do you have tons of wild ideas and want to get together with COOL people
- who have the same goals of producing some great stuff.
- o Would you like to join in a network society of talented and creative
- people?
- Well, come check out TOPSOFT!
- TopSoft is a non profit organization dedicated to the production of high
- quality software for free (or minimal, media & postage charges) by anyone who
- wants to use it. We have been in existence ever since the founder, Steve
- Jovanovic, posted a message 3 years ago on comp.sys.mac.programming for
- anyone interested in doing a joint project. The response was overwhelming
- and the group has been active ever since.
- Our mission statement is as follows:
- "To develop worldwide networks of creative people producing top quality
- software of minimal cost for fun, education, and the advocacy of innovative
- computer systems."
- But we have lots of lofty goals as well. Some of them are:
- - Get some of the neat stuff we do ported to other platforms
- - Do some OpenDoc development.
- - Get companies participating with us.
- - Get our own home machine on the net.
- - Get people together from all over the world, from all different networks.
- - Create a totally unique kind of network society doing distributed program
- development.
- TopSoft has developed it's own license agreement similar to the GNU Public
- License. We have added the ability for commercial organizations to use the
- software developed by TopSoft in such a way that they don't profit from it's
- use and such that TopSoft gets appropriate credit.
- We have an ftp site with anonymous login at:
- atlas.chem.utah.edu
- as well as a list server running there. You can get further information by
- browsing the ftp archives or by sending a "help" request through the list
- server
- at:
- ts-request@atlas.chem.utah.edu
- just send a "help" on the first line of the body of the message addressed as
- shown above.
- If you are a programmer or want to learn more about programming and are
- interested in participating in a cooperative programming project over the
- internet, TopSoft is the organization to do it.
- If you would like to start up a new project and need a place to store files,
- a listserver for a mailing list, and a way to meet over the internet (IRC),
- TopSoft can provide these services for you.
- Currently the only requirements to belong to TopSoft are that you join one of
- the mailing lists and that you abide by the bylaws of the organization. There
- are currently no dues and from time to time the group is asked to donate to
- some specific cause. For example, the group is incorporated in the state of
- Utah as a non profit organization. We paid a lawyer to do the minimal paper
- work necessary to incorporate. Everyone who supported that effort pledged
- some specific amount or to 1/nth of the amount. We were able to accomplish
- that with a mere $10 or so per person. Of course some donated more.
- TopSoft is a member of Apples User Group Connection and we receive their
- publications and group offers. Their current offer is for System 7.5 for $49
- (plus tax & $10 shipping)
- We meet weekly using IRC Thursdays at 7pm (mountain standard time USA)
- on the "TopSoft" channel. We have a good time and talk about various
- aspects of programming as well as socialize a bit.
- One of our goals is to get people from all parts of the world as well as
- people from the numerous computer services (America Online, Compuserve,
- Delphi, eWorld, etc) involved in doing innovative, fun things.
- Currently we have the following projects:
- TSMenus - a library for doing position independent menus.
- TSAbout - a library for doing a real fancy about box. You've never seen an
- about box as complete as this one. Text, Picts, Sounds, Movies, Speech, Drag
- & Drop, able to leap from folder to folder in a single bound! This about box
- can also function as a context sensitive help system and we will likely add
- support for Apple Guide.
- FilterTop - Our big, all consuming, never ending project! Join the mailing
- list or visit the ftp site to find out more about it. Basically it is a
- batch processing program that you program graphically. Kind like doing
- piping in UN*X with icons. It takes an explanation about this long just t
- describe it. (We hope to be in Beta very soon now.)
- We invite you to come join the fun and help us out with your skills. You
- don't have to be an ace programmer to participate. Many people support us
- with their ideas and there are plenty of other kinds of jobs that you can
- help out with, or if you want to start your own subgroup we can offer the
- network resources and organization to support you.
- Tony Jacobs
- President, TopSoft, Inc.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 11:11:15 -0500
- From: Bryan.Walls@msfc.nasa.gov (Bryan Walls)
- Subject: Transwarp AE stuff
- Mac Zone has continued to sell AE products. They seem to be closing them
- out, now. Perhaps they still have what you need.
- Mac Zone (206)603-2570
- FAX (206)603-2500
- Bryan Walls My words are not NASA policy.
- bwalls@marvin.msfc.nasa.gov
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 15:48:21 +0100
- From: williams@tours.inra.fr (John Williams)
- Subject: WordPerfect 3.0 - a dissatisfied user!
- Let me add my voice to that of Will Porter ( Digest 138, 19 Oct
- 1984) who said that he was "profoundly disappointed" with WP 3.0. So am I,
- and here's why.
- My problem revolves around a bug which is present in my (French)
- versionand in the (American) demo version which you can download from
- thewordperfect.com ftp server. It concerns the table tool and it's a
- crying shame that they let this one through because in many other respects,
- the WP tabletool beats Word's with flying colours (click and drag to resize
- columns, forexample...). The problem is that tables that you see clearly
- in the normal screen editing mode can disappear unexpectedly in printouts
- (or in print preview mode). I had to do a composite document with tables
- and figures, and page layout was a nightmare. A disappearing table could
- sometimes be rendered visible by simply moving it elsewhere in the
- document, or by placing it in a new document on its own. On other
- occasions, moving the table to the middle of a page caused it to insert a
- page break well before the bottom of the page with the result that the
- table split itself across two pages! Another
- I informed WP France of this on June 13, by telephone and then by
- mail and included a disk with an offending file. They offered an upgrade
- which they weren't sure would fix the problem and which they wanted me to
- pay for, then offered it free when I whined, and then ... deafening
- silence. The upgrade never arrived. Thne I wrote to WP in Utah on
- September 20 and one month later I'm still waiting for a reply! C'mon, you
- guys, WordPerfect was supposed to have the BEST after sales service of any
- wordprocessing software business, and they've always been good to the DOS
- and Windows folk in my lab. This is a B U G, and a big one at that. I'm
- only surpised that no-one has reported this before on Info-Mac, maybe that
- is because it only happens on Macs with a French system, and French users
- are a really small minority. However, as far as I'm concerned, WP is
- disappearing from my hard disk because it is quite useless because of this
- bug.
- Will I put it back? That depends. Not only do I need a version
- that works correctly (and one that doesn't break under 7.5 when the
- openfile dialog box comes up!) but I would like to have (or know how to do)
- other things. Will Porter says he can't figure how to number paragraphs.
- Neither can I (citation lists in my case), not properly. I tried a macro
- but it was a hack and it wouldn't work for re-numbering when a missing
- reference was inserted in the middle of an existing list. And the outline
- mode is a joke. Maybe Word 6 will suit me better. We will see.
- John Williams
- INRA Station de Recherches Avicoles, Centre de Recherches de Tours, 37380
- Nouzilly, France
- Tel (33) 47 42 78 47 Fax/telecopie (33) 47 42 77 78
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 23:48:47 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "David B. Reiser" <reiserdb@ttown.apci.com>
- Subject: WordPerfect 3.x
- Regarding WordPerfect 3.0, William Porter asked:
- >1. Is there no way to tell that modifications have been made in the
- >formatting of a paragraph to which a defined style had earlier been
- >applied? In Word and MacWrite Pro, the place on the screen which displays
- >the style name of the paragraph containing the insertion point adds a
- >mark to indicate that some change has been made that overrides the style
- >definition, e.g. a paragraph formatted with style "body" which is then
- >slightly (or significantly) changed will be displayed as having style
- >"body+", where the plus-sign notes the modification. As far as I can
- >tell, WP doesn't do anything like this, which is so unhelpful that it
- >almost makes using styles pointless.
- Essentially true, though I think your last statement is excessive.
- I think WP desperately needs character styles in order to make styles
- useful for a wider cross section of users. Show codes would accomplish
- what you want, but most people don't find that approach acceptable.
- >2. Is there really no way to apply a "space before" format to a
- >paragraph? As near as I can tell, WP requires that you use blank
- >paragraphs to get space-before formatting.
- There is Space Between Paragraphs, but no Space Before. Depending on how
- often you use space before, you can fake it by putting blank lines in a style
- definition.(Styles are useful for something...).
- >3. Is there really no way to have available at once two commands, one of
- >which inserts the date and the other of which inserts the time?
- >Apparently WP 3.0 provides only a unified "date/time" variable, which
- >gives you only what you have set it up to give in the Preferences for the
- >program. Moreover there don't seem to be many options for date and time.
- >MacWrite Pro shines here: it lets you enter variables that indicate when
- >the document was last modified, last opened, etc. Anything like this in
- >WP?
- There is only one date/time command, but it's pretty simple to set up
- a macro that changes the settings, inserts the desired info, and then
- optionally changes the settings back to whatever you use most often.
- You can assign any key combination to fire the macro, and you could
- even right one extended macro that puts up a menu with a series of
- choices. If you want to have access to last modified/last opened, etc.,
- you'll have to include a macro to save the system clock time to a
- document variable whenever the appropriate action occurs.
- >4. Is there really no way to get information about word count, etc. for a
- >*selection*? Apparently WP will only tell you about the entire document.
- There is, but it's indirect. You can do a spell check on a selection, after
- which the Speller reports the number of words checked. In a truly bizarre
- omission, you can't do a word count via macro directly, so you'd have to
- have a macro to copy the selection, paste it to a new document, pause to
- let you fire the word count function, then delete the extra document.
- >5. Is there really no way to number paragraphs in WP? I feel almost
- >certain I must be overlooking something here.
- This one's easy. WP calls paragraph numbering "Outlining". While there is
- a specific sub-function in Outlining called "Paragraph Number", I think
- the whole Outlining function is really just a very flexible paragraph
- numbering utility. Outlining is not well named: there is no expand/collapse
- function nor any easy way to move sections around.
- >6. Is it really the case that WP's so-called outlining mode doesn't allow
- >you to collapse child paragraphs underneath parent paragraphs?
- True. See the last comment.
- >What is the point of a program that allows you to use overlays to write
- >"draft" on a document but will not let you easily date & time the draft
- >as well?
- The point is that many overlays and watermarks do not require dynamic
- information. I would put time stamps in headers or footers rather than
- overlays, but it wouldn't be particularly hard to do it your way.
- >What is the point of a feature that counts words in the entire document,
- >but won't let you count words in a selection? (Writers who are interested
- >in counting words usually want to be able to figure out how much they
- >need to cut to get within their target limits.)
- Well, how 'bout Cmd-x (cut), Option-F3 (word count), Return (dismisses
- word count report), Cmd-V (paste)? This sequence would tell you
- directly if cutting the text gets the remaining text within target
- without actually removing the text. Depending on the length of your
- documents, this could get tiresome, but on a 67 page, 19,500 word document,
- a Word Count takes 2-5 seconds on a PowerMac 7100. It takes about 20
- seconds on a IIci. But then most long works are page count bound
- rather than word count bound. [Timing info from WPMac 3.1]
- If you don't like the feature set of a word processor, use a different
- one. I like WordPerfect a lot, even with its warts. Time will tell if
- Novell is serious about advancing the program further.
- BTW, I did write a book about WPMac, so I am not entirely unbiased, but I
- don't receive any direct benefits from Novell itself. (and you might be
- surprised at just how minimal the benefits of royalties are...).
- Dave Reiser
- reiserdb@ttown.apci.com (I don't speak for my employer.)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 11:50:01 -0500
- From: Bryan.Walls@msfc.nasa.gov (Bryan Walls)
- Subject: WP6.0 Windows -> MSWord 5.1a (Mac) - Help!! (R)
- Do you have
- ftp.tidbits.com:pub/tidbits/thewordbook/word-perfect-converter.hqx? I don't
- know if it can handle WP6.0 or not (I fear only 5.*), but it should work
- >From within Word itself (just use the Open dialog after putting this file
- in the Word Commands folder).
- Bryan Walls My words are not NASA policy.
- bwalls@marvin.msfc.nasa.gov
- ------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 21 Oct 1994 08:29:08 +0100
- From: A.D'Emanuele@man.ac.uk (Antony D'Emanuele)
- Subject: WWW Programs - Which is the best?
- I have been using Mosaic 2alpha8 and am getting increasingly frustrated at
- its unreliability. My IIci is forever crashing. Version 1 does not have
- many of the facilities you would expect from a Web browser. I know that
- there are a few WWW programs available now, has anyone compared them and if
- so which has the most features and reliability.
- Regards, Tony D'Emanuele
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
- ******************************